Good morning, I WON AN AWARD! Kinderdi has nominated me for.......
A BIG thank you for this award. There are a few "requirements" for accepting this this award so here they are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you. done
2. Include a link to their blog. "kinderdi"
3. Include the award button in your post. done
4. Give 7 random thoughts about yourself. let's see...
1. I have 1 dog, he's a white schnauzer
2. I love chocolate
3. My favorite place: the beach
4. I am an avid coffee drinker-- like don't talk to me in the morning until I have at least 2
5. Obsessed with children's books, could open my own library
6. Love to read
7. favorite color is purple
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers and
6. include a link to their blog. OK so here goes...
"Toad-ally Awesome in Kindergarten"
"A Little kinder told me so"
"A Place Called Kindergarten"
"Mrs. Stanford's Class"
"005 Watkins' Way"
"Beg Borrow Steal"
"Can Do Kinders"
"Castles and Crayons"
"Chalk Talk: Kindergarten"
"Crazy For First Grade"
"Eberhart's Explores"
"Eric Bohrer's First Grade"
"First Grade O.W.L.s"
"Heather's Heart"
Wow! that's all done
7. Let other bloggers know they have been nominated.
Whew! that's all done.
Thanks again to Kinderdi for nominating me for this award.
3 hours ago
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